Poppy, dusting off the cabin furniture while preparing for this year’s annual marriage retreat, reflects on the good old days when he and his deceased wife gave words of wisdom to married couples. The intentions of the retreat are to provide encouragement and inspiration for the participants. However, this year, the truth becomes reality and lives take a hard turn. Sheila played by Kelly Price reveals her inner beauty to become the person she was meant to be.
Terry and Diana Green, a happily married couple, have discovered the real blueprint of their marriage through trials and tribulations, which makes a solid impression for their guests. Feisty Diana confident and assuring, walks the walk and talks the talk. Terry, perceived as a “church boy” now, is a loving and passionate husband to Diana. The first guests to arrive are Mike and Sheila.
Sheila is Diana’s best friend and Mike is no one’s best friend so we think yet, not a happy couple. Dealing with 3 children all day, Sheila has become overweight and distressed, resulting in low self-esteem. She is relying on motivation from the retreat to save her marriage to the egotistical Mike. Trina arrives portraying herself as the poor little deprived friend of Sheila’s but really is a promiscuous diva. Diana is not fond of Trina and openly expresses her disgust.
And finally Troy, a good looking, free-spirited gentleman with a style of his own. His playboy manner and women change from year to year. Surprisingly this year, Troy shows up with only Justina his guitar. Wait ’til you hear why? Only Poppy knows for sure! One year later, we experience a different retreat Sheila has suffered many valley experiences but only to discover the joy of an abundant life and some real women values. On the other hand Mike is harbouring thorns of resentment.
Troy is happily married; and at last meet Janice! Now who’s Janice? DON’T MISS OUT! Tyler Perry has put together all the challenging elements of relationships that result in respecting the excellence in YOU. These are PRICELESS lessons from the soul of a woman. For instance, after a year Sheila oops – can’t tell you too much! But girl HE PROPOSED! and when you are hooked on marriage, it hooks you for life.