Good ol’ Pop Brown lived to be 107 years old and he only left his family $400 to put him to rest. This story is everything but a fairy tale since funerals bring out the best and the worst of family love. L.B. (Larry Brown), the eldest son and his wife, Sarah, were Pop Brown’s only caretakers for 11 years. Their saditty daughter, MiLay, arrives and takes matters in her own hands–including paying for the rest of the funeral.
On the scene enters “Downtown” Leroy Brown, the zany and abnormal character that we all know and love as Mr. Brown. He comes to show off the daughter that the family has never met. Oh yes!. . . She is Madea’s daughter, Cora. A sad and grieving Brown family still comes up with potty humor during the funeral.
The minister lets them have their way because he is focused on another subject! Even through tremendous excitement and laughter, this production touches the soul. A phenomenal cast with strong vocals delivers uplifting and soul-stirring songs throughout the entire performance.